
Physiohaus offers one-on-one assessment and treatment for Physiotherapy care in London Ontario. Assessments are 60 minutes in length. Book your appointment online or call 519-204-4445.  Interested in our waitlist?  Sign up here and bump up your appointment by enabling SMS and email communication!

Direct Billing

We offer direct billing to most major insurance companies including Manulife, Sun Life, Canada Life, Green Shield Canada, Chambers of Commerce Group, Equitable Life of Canada, The Co-operators, Blue Cross, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc., CINUP, Cowan, First Canadian, GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Maximum Benefit, Manion, MDM Insurance, Johnston Group Inc., RWAM and SSQ Financial Group. Please bring your benefits card to your first visit.

Registered Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Assessment*: $140 (1 hour)
Physiotherapy Treatment: $120 (45 minutes)
 Physiotherapy Treatment: $85 (30 minutes)
TMJ Assessment*: $145
TMJ Treatment: $90 (30 minutes)
IMS Treatment: $85 (30 minutes)

Virtual Physiotherapy Assessment: $140
Virtual Physiotherapy Treatment: $85

Vestibular Assessment: $160
Vestibular Treatment: $90

Pelvic Health Assessment
*: $150
Pelvic Health Treatment: $120 (45 minutes)
Pelvic Health Treatment: $90 (30 minutes)

Initial Assessment and Video Analysis*: $160 (75 minutes)
Follow-up: Includes review of video footage and treatment: $120 (45 minutes)

*Please book an assessment if this is your first visit or a new injury.

Cancellation Policy: 24 business hours cancellation is required before a 50% charge is applied.

Book your appointment online or call 519-204-4445.